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magnetic hematite beads wholesale strands. magnetic round rice oval bead supply wholesale supplier magnetic hematite bead

Established: July 1994

Shipping Per Order
Shipping/Handling is charged on every order not each item. Order 1 item or 100 items and the charge is $8.00 for shipping/handling.

Rush Orders
If you should require your order in a RUSH (Courier) then please E-mail
seperately from your order and specify the following:
Name on the order, Phone number, Date of order...
we will then advise if the item ordered is available for rush shipping

Maximum Value's Mission:
"Provide products to serve specific markets at a price that does not compromise service or quality and provides maximum value to our customers." 

At Maximum Value Merchandising Corp., we understand that in order to continue to survive in a competitive business climate you must cater to all your customers needs whether big or small. 

Copyright 1997 by Maximum Value Merchandising